Module for testing REST WebService.
This module can be used either with frameworks or PHPBrowser.
If a framework module is connected, the testing will occur in the application directly.
Otherwise, a PHPBrowser should be specified as a dependency to send requests and receive responses from a server.
## Configuration
* url *optional* - the url of api
This module requires PHPBrowser or any of Framework modules enabled.
### Example
depends: PhpBrowser
url: 'http://serviceapp/api/v1/'
## Public Properties
* headers - array of headers going to be sent.
* params - array of sent data
* response - last response (string)
## Parts
* Json - actions for validating Json responses (no Xml responses)
* Xml - actions for validating XML responses (no Json responses)
## Conflicts
Conflicts with SOAP module
## Actions
### amAWSAuthenticated
Allows to send REST request using AWS Authorization
Only works with PhpBrowser
Config -
key: accessKey
secret: accessSecret
service: awsService
region: awsRegion
* `param array` $additionalAWSConfig
@throws ModuleException
### amBearerAuthenticated
Adds Bearer authentication via access token.
* `param` $accessToken
* `[Part]` json
* `[Part]` xml
### amDigestAuthenticated
Adds Digest authentication via username/password.
* `param` $username
* `param` $password
* `[Part]` json
* `[Part]` xml
### amHttpAuthenticated
Adds HTTP authentication via username/password.
* `param` $username
* `param` $password
* `[Part]` json
* `[Part]` xml
### amNTLMAuthenticated
Adds NTLM authentication via username/password.
Requires client to be Guzzle >=6.3.0
Out of scope for functional modules.
amNTLMAuthenticated('jon_snow', 'targaryen');
* `param` $username
* `param` $password
@throws ModuleException
* `[Part]` json
* `[Part]` xml
### deleteHeader
Deletes the header with the passed name. Subsequent requests
will not have the deleted header in its request.
haveHttpHeader('X-Requested-With', 'Codeception');
// ...
* `param string` $name the name of the header to delete.
* `[Part]` json
* `[Part]` xml
### dontSeeBinaryResponseEquals
Checks if the hash of a binary response is not the same as provided.
Opposite to `seeBinaryResponseEquals`
* `param` $hash the hashed data response expected
* `param` $algo the hash algorithm to use. Default md5.
* `[Part]` json
* `[Part]` xml
### dontSeeHttpHeader
Checks over the given HTTP header and (optionally)
its value, asserting that are not there
* `param` $name
* `param` $value
* `[Part]` json
* `[Part]` xml
### dontSeeResponseCodeIs
Checks that response code is not equal to provided value.
// preferred to use \Codeception\Util\HttpCode
* `[Part]` json
* `[Part]` xml
* `param` $code
### dontSeeResponseContains
Checks whether last response do not contain text.
* `param` $text
* `[Part]` json
* `[Part]` xml
### dontSeeResponseContainsJson
Opposite to seeResponseContainsJson
* `[Part]` json
* `param array` $json
### dontSeeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath
Opposite to seeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath
* `param string` $jsonPath
* `[Part]` json
### dontSeeResponseJsonMatchesXpath
Opposite to seeResponseJsonMatchesXpath
* `param string` $xpath
* `[Part]` json
### dontSeeResponseMatchesJsonType
Opposite to `seeResponseMatchesJsonType`.
* `[Part]` json
@see seeResponseMatchesJsonType
* `param` $jsonType jsonType structure
* `param null` $jsonPath optionally set specific path to structure with JsonPath
* `Available since` 2.1.3
### dontSeeXmlResponseEquals
Checks XML response does not equal to provided XML.
Comparison is done by canonicalizing both xml`s.
Parameter can be passed either as XmlBuilder, DOMDocument, DOMNode, XML string, or array (if no attributes).
* `param` $xml
* `[Part]` xml
### dontSeeXmlResponseIncludes
Checks XML response does not include provided XML.
Comparison is done by canonicalizing both xml`s.
Parameter can be passed either as XmlBuilder, DOMDocument, DOMNode, XML string, or array (if no attributes).
* `param` $xml
* `[Part]` xml
### dontSeeXmlResponseMatchesXpath
Checks whether XML response does not match XPath
* `[Part]` xml
* `param` $xpath
### grabAttributeFromXmlElement
Finds and returns attribute of element.
Element is matched by either CSS or XPath
* `param` $cssOrXPath
* `param` $attribute
* `return` string
* `[Part]` xml
### grabDataFromJsonResponse
Deprecated since 2.0.9 and removed since 2.1.0
* `param` $path
@throws ModuleException
### grabDataFromResponseByJsonPath
Returns data from the current JSON response using [JSONPath](http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/) as selector.
JsonPath is XPath equivalent for querying Json structures.
Try your JsonPath expressions [online](http://jsonpath.curiousconcept.com/).
Even for a single value an array is returned.
This method **require [`flow/jsonpath` > 0.2](https://github.com/FlowCommunications/JSONPath/) library to be installed**.
``` php
$I->sendPUT('/user', array('id' => $firstUserId[0], 'name' => 'davert'));
* `param string` $jsonPath
* `return` array Array of matching items
* `Available since` 2.0.9
@throws \Exception
* `[Part]` json
### grabHttpHeader
Returns the value of the specified header name
* `param` $name
* `param Boolean` $first Whether to return the first value or all header values
* `return string|array The first header value if` $first is true, an array of values otherwise
* `[Part]` json
* `[Part]` xml
### grabResponse
Returns current response so that it can be used in next scenario steps.
``` php
$I->sendPUT('/user', array('id' => $user_id, 'name' => 'davert'));
* `Available since` 1.1
* `return` string
* `[Part]` json
* `[Part]` xml
### grabTextContentFromXmlElement
Finds and returns text contents of element.
Element is matched by either CSS or XPath
* `param` $cssOrXPath
* `return` string
* `[Part]` xml
### haveHttpHeader
Sets HTTP header valid for all next requests. Use `deleteHeader` to unset it
haveHttpHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
// all next requests will contain this header
* `param` $name
* `param` $value
* `[Part]` json
* `[Part]` xml
### seeBinaryResponseEquals
Checks if the hash of a binary response is exactly the same as provided.
Parameter can be passed as any hash string supported by hash(), with an
optional second parameter to specify the hash type, which defaults to md5.
Example: Using md5 hash key
Example: Using md5 for a file contents
Example: Using sha256 hash
seeBinaryResponseEquals(hash("sha256", base64_decode($fileData)), 'sha256');
* `param` $hash the hashed data response expected
* `param` $algo the hash algorithm to use. Default md5.
* `[Part]` json
* `[Part]` xml
### seeHttpHeader
Checks over the given HTTP header and (optionally)
its value, asserting that are there
* `param` $name
* `param` $value
* `[Part]` json
* `[Part]` xml
### seeHttpHeaderOnce
Checks that http response header is received only once.
HTTP RFC2616 allows multiple response headers with the same name.
You can check that you didn't accidentally sent the same header twice.
``` php
* `param` $name
* `[Part]` json
* `[Part]` xml
### seeResponseCodeIs
Checks response code equals to provided value.
// preferred to use \Codeception\Util\HttpCode
* `[Part]` json
* `[Part]` xml
* `param` $code
### seeResponseContains
Checks whether the last response contains text.
* `param` $text
* `[Part]` json
* `[Part]` xml
### seeResponseContainsJson
Checks whether the last JSON response contains provided array.
The response is converted to array with json_decode($response, true)
Thus, JSON is represented by associative array.
This method matches that response array contains provided array.
``` php
seeResponseContainsJson(array('name' => 'john'));
// response {user: john, profile: { email: john@gmail.com }}
$I->seeResponseContainsJson(array('email' => 'john@gmail.com'));
This method recursively checks if one array can be found inside of another.
* `param array` $json
* `[Part]` json
### seeResponseEquals
Checks if response is exactly the same as provided.
* `[Part]` json
* `[Part]` xml
* `param` $response
### seeResponseIsJson
Checks whether last response was valid JSON.
This is done with json_last_error function.
* `[Part]` json
### seeResponseIsXml
Checks whether last response was valid XML.
This is done with libxml_get_last_error function.
* `[Part]` xml
### seeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath
Checks if json structure in response matches [JsonPath](http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/).
JsonPath is XPath equivalent for querying Json structures.
Try your JsonPath expressions [online](http://jsonpath.curiousconcept.com/).
This assertion allows you to check the structure of response json.
This method **require [`flow/jsonpath` > 0.2](https://github.com/FlowCommunications/JSONPath/) library to be installed**.
{ "store": {
"book": [
{ "category": "reference",
"author": "Nigel Rees",
"title": "Sayings of the Century",
"price": 8.95
{ "category": "fiction",
"author": "Evelyn Waugh",
"title": "Sword of Honour",
"price": 12.99
"bicycle": {
"color": "red",
"price": 19.95
// first book in store has author
// at least one item in store has price
* `param string` $jsonPath
* `[Part]` json
* `Available since` 2.0.9
### seeResponseJsonMatchesXpath
Checks if json structure in response matches the xpath provided.
JSON is not supposed to be checked against XPath, yet it can be converted to xml and used with XPath.
This assertion allows you to check the structure of response json.
{ "store": {
"book": [
{ "category": "reference",
"author": "Nigel Rees",
"title": "Sayings of the Century",
"price": 8.95
{ "category": "fiction",
"author": "Evelyn Waugh",
"title": "Sword of Honour",
"price": 12.99
"bicycle": {
"color": "red",
"price": 19.95
// first book in store has author
// at least one item in store has price
* `param string` $xpath
* `[Part]` json
* `Available since` 2.0.9
### seeResponseMatchesJsonType
Checks that Json matches provided types.
In case you don't know the actual values of JSON data returned you can match them by type.
Starts check with a root element. If JSON data is array it will check the first element of an array.
You can specify the path in the json which should be checked with JsonPath
Basic example:
'user_id' => 'integer',
'name' => 'string|null',
'is_active' => 'boolean'
// narrow down matching with JsonPath:
// {"users": [{ "name": "davert"}, {"id": 1}]}
$I->seeResponseMatchesJsonType(['name' => 'string'], '$.users[0]');
In this case you can match that record contains fields with data types you expected.
The list of possible data types:
* string
* integer
* float
* array (json object is array as well)
* boolean
You can also use nested data type structures:
'user_id' => 'integer|string', // multiple types
'company' => ['name' => 'string']
You can also apply filters to check values. Filter can be applied with `:` char after the type declaration.
Here is the list of possible filters:
* `integer:>{val}` - checks that integer is greater than {val} (works with float and string types too).
* `integer:<{val}` - checks that integer is lower than {val} (works with float and string types too).
* `string:url` - checks that value is valid url.
* `string:date` - checks that value is date in JavaScript format: https://weblog.west-wind.com/posts/2014/Jan/06/JavaScript-JSON-Date-Parsing-and-real-Dates
* `string:email` - checks that value is a valid email according to http://emailregex.com/
* `string:regex({val})` - checks that string matches a regex provided with {val}
This is how filters can be used:
'user_id' => 'string:>0:<1000', // multiple filters can be used
'email' => 'string:regex(~\@~)' // we just check that @ char is included
// {'user_id': '1'}
'user_id' => 'string:>0', // works with strings as well
You can also add custom filters y accessing `JsonType::addCustomFilter` method.
See [JsonType reference](http://codeception.com/docs/reference/JsonType).
* `[Part]` json
* `Available since` 2.1.3
* `param array` $jsonType
* `param string` $jsonPath
### seeXmlResponseEquals
Checks XML response equals provided XML.
Comparison is done by canonicalizing both xml`s.
Parameters can be passed either as DOMDocument, DOMNode, XML string, or array (if no attributes).
* `param` $xml
* `[Part]` xml
### seeXmlResponseIncludes
Checks XML response includes provided XML.
Comparison is done by canonicalizing both xml`s.
Parameter can be passed either as XmlBuilder, DOMDocument, DOMNode, XML string, or array (if no attributes).
``` php