# Facebook
Provides testing for projects integrated with Facebook API.
Relies on Facebook's tool Test User API.
To use this module with Composer you need "facebook/php-sdk4": "5.*" package.
## Status
[ ](https://codeship.com/projects/160201)
* Stability: **beta**
* Maintainer: **tiger-seo**
* Contact: tiger.seo@codeception.com
## Config
* app_id *required* - Facebook application ID
* secret *required* - Facebook application secret
* test_user - Facebook test user parameters:
* name - You can specify a name for the test user you create. The specified name will also be used in the email address assigned to the test user.
* locale - You can specify a locale for the test user you create, the default is en_US. The list of supported locales is available at https://www.facebook.com/translations/FacebookLocales.xml
* permissions - An array of permissions. Your app is granted these permissions for the new test user. The full list of permissions is available at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/permissions
### Config example
- Facebook:
depends: PhpBrowser
app_id: 412345678901234
secret: ccb79c1b0fdff54e4f7c928bf233aea5
name: FacebookGuy
locale: uk_UA
permissions: [email, publish_stream]
### Test example:
``` php
$I->wantToTest('check-in to a place be published on the Facebook using API');
$accessToken = $I->grabFacebookTestUserAccessToken();
$I->haveHttpHeader('Auth', 'FacebookToken ' . $accessToken);
$I->amGoingTo('send request to the backend, so that it will publish on user\'s wall on Facebook');
``` php
$I->wantToTest('log in to site using Facebook');
$I->haveFacebookTestUserAccount(); // create facebook test user
$I->haveTestUserLoggedInOnFacebook(); // so that facebook will not ask us for login and password
$fbUserFirstName = $I->grabFacebookTestUserFirstName();
$I->see('Welcome, Guest');
$I->click('Login with Facebook');
$I->see('Welcome, ' . $fbUserFirstName);
@since 1.6.3
@author tiger.seo@gmail.com
## Actions
### grabFacebookTestUserAccessToken
Returns the test user access token.
* `return` string
### grabFacebookTestUserEmail
Returns the test user email.
* `return` string
### grabFacebookTestUserId
Returns the test user id.
* `return` string
### grabFacebookTestUserLoginUrl
Returns URL for test user auto-login.
* `return` string
### grabFacebookTestUserName
Returns the test user name.
* `return` string
### grabFacebookTestUserPassword
__not documented__
### haveFacebookTestUserAccount
Get facebook test user be created.
*Please, note that the test user is created only at first invoke, unless $renew arguments is true.*
* `param bool` $renew true if the test user should be recreated
### haveTestUserLoggedInOnFacebook
Get facebook test user be logged in on facebook.
This is done by going to facebook.com
@throws ModuleConfigException
### postToFacebookAsTestUser
Please, note that you must have publish_actions permission to be able to publish to user's feed.
* `param array` $params
### seePostOnFacebookWithAttachedPlace
Please, note that you must have publish_actions permission to be able to publish to user's feed.
* `param string` $placeId Place identifier to be verified against user published posts
### seePostOnFacebookWithMessage
Please, note that you must have publish_actions permission to be able to publish to user's feed.
* `param string` $message published post to be verified against the actual post on facebook