# Apc This module interacts with the [Alternative PHP Cache (APC)](http://php.net/manual/en/intro.apcu.php) using either _APCu_ or _APC_ extension. Performs a cleanup by flushing all values after each test run. ## Status * Maintainer: **Serghei Iakovlev** * Stability: **stable** * Contact: serghei@phalconphp.com ### Example (`unit.suite.yml`) ```yaml modules: - Apc ``` Be sure you don't use the production server to connect. ## Actions ### dontSeeInApc Checks item in APC(u) doesn't exist or is the same as expected. Examples: ``` php <?php // With only one argument, only checks the key does not exist $I->dontSeeInApc('users_count'); // Checks a 'users_count' exists does not exist or its value is not the one provided $I->dontSeeInApc('users_count', 200); ?> ``` * `param string|string[]` $key * `param mixed` $value ### flushApc Clears the APC(u) cache ### grabValueFromApc Grabs value from APC(u) by key. Example: ``` php <?php $users_count = $I->grabValueFromApc('users_count'); ?> ``` * `param string|string[]` $key ### haveInApc Stores an item `$value` with `$key` on the APC(u). Examples: ```php <?php // Array $I->haveInApc('users', ['name' => 'miles', 'email' => 'miles@davis.com']); // Object $I->haveInApc('user', UserRepository::findFirst()); // Key as array of 'key => value' $entries = []; $entries['key1'] = 'value1'; $entries['key2'] = 'value2'; $entries['key3'] = ['value3a','value3b']; $entries['key4'] = 4; $I->haveInApc($entries, null); ?> ``` * `param string|array` $key * `param mixed` $value * `param int` $expiration ### seeInApc Checks item in APC(u) exists and the same as expected. Examples: ``` php <?php // With only one argument, only checks the key exists $I->seeInApc('users_count'); // Checks a 'users_count' exists and has the value 200 $I->seeInApc('users_count', 200); ?> ``` * `param string|string[]` $key * `param mixed` $value <p> </p><div class="alert alert-warning">Module reference is taken from the source code. <a href="https://github.com/Codeception/Codeception/tree/2.4/src/Codeception/Module/Apc.php">Help us to improve documentation. Edit module reference</a></div>