# yii2-device-detect Yii2 extension for [Mobile-Detect](https://github.com/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect) library. To use it just require this extension in your `composer.json` file: ~~~ "alexandernst/yii2-device-detect": "0.0.12", ~~~ And then add it to your components configuration in Yii2: ~~~php 'bootstrap' => ['devicedetect'], 'components' => [ 'devicedetect' => [ 'class' => 'alexandernst\devicedetect\DeviceDetect' ], ] ~~~ Some basic detections are available in Yii's `params`: ~~~php var_dump(Yii::$app->params['devicedetect']); array (size=3) 'isMobile' => boolean false 'isTablet' => boolean false 'isDesktop' => boolean true ~~~ You can also use it from anywhere in your code, calling Mobile-Detect's API: ~~~php /*Detect a mobile device*/ \Yii::$app->devicedetect->isMobile(); /*Detect a tablet device*/ \Yii::$app->devicedetect->isTablet(); /*Check all available methods here: http://demo.mobiledetect.net/ */ ~~~ Or using the an alias: ~~~php \Yii::getAlias('@device'); //return 'mobile', 'tablet' or 'desktop'. ~~~