#!/usr/bin/env php $name) { echo " [$i] $name\n"; } echo "\n Your choice [0-" . (count($envs) - 1) . ', or "q" to quit] '; $answer = trim(fgets(STDIN)); if (!ctype_digit($answer) || !in_array($answer, range(0, count($envs) - 1))) { echo "\n Quit initialization.\n"; exit(0); } if (isset($envNames[$answer])) { $envName = $envNames[$answer]; } } else { $envName = $params['env']; } if (!in_array($envName, $envNames, true)) { $envsList = implode(', ', $envNames); echo "\n $envName is not a valid environment. Try one of the following: $envsList. \n"; exit(2); } $env = $envs[$envName]; if (empty($params['env'])) { echo "\n Initialize the application under '{$envNames[$answer]}' environment? [yes|no] "; $answer = trim(fgets(STDIN)); if (strncasecmp($answer, 'y', 1)) { echo "\n Quit initialization.\n"; exit(0); } } $rootPath = "$root/environments/{$env['path']}"; if (!is_dir($rootPath)) { printError("$rootPath directory does not exist. Check path in $envName environment."); exit(3); } echo "\n Start initialization ...\n\n"; $files = getFileList($rootPath); if (isset($env['skipFiles'])) { $skipFiles = $env['skipFiles']; array_walk($skipFiles, function(&$value) use($env, $root) { $value = "$root/$value"; }); $files = array_diff($files, array_intersect_key($env['skipFiles'], array_filter($skipFiles, 'file_exists'))); } $all = false; foreach ($files as $file) { if (!copyFile($root, "environments/{$env['path']}/$file", $file, $all, $params)) { break; } } $callbacks = ['setCookieValidationKey', 'setWritable', 'setExecutable', 'createSymlink']; foreach ($callbacks as $callback) { if (!empty($env[$callback])) { $callback($root, $env[$callback]); } } echo "\n ... initialization completed.\n\n"; function getFileList($root, $basePath = '') { $files = []; $handle = opendir($root); while (($path = readdir($handle)) !== false) { if ($path === '.git' || $path === '.svn' || $path === '.' || $path === '..') { continue; } $fullPath = "$root/$path"; $relativePath = $basePath === '' ? $path : "$basePath/$path"; if (is_dir($fullPath)) { $files = array_merge($files, getFileList($fullPath, $relativePath)); } else { $files[] = $relativePath; } } closedir($handle); return $files; } function copyFile($root, $source, $target, &$all, $params) { if (!is_file($root . '/' . $source)) { echo " skip $target ($source not exist)\n"; return true; } if (is_file($root . '/' . $target)) { if (file_get_contents($root . '/' . $source) === file_get_contents($root . '/' . $target)) { echo " unchanged $target\n"; return true; } if ($all) { echo " overwrite $target\n"; } else { echo " exist $target\n"; echo " ...overwrite? [Yes|No|All|Quit] "; $answer = !empty($params['overwrite']) ? $params['overwrite'] : trim(fgets(STDIN)); if (!strncasecmp($answer, 'q', 1)) { return false; } else { if (!strncasecmp($answer, 'y', 1)) { echo " overwrite $target\n"; } else { if (!strncasecmp($answer, 'a', 1)) { echo " overwrite $target\n"; $all = true; } else { echo " skip $target\n"; return true; } } } } file_put_contents($root . '/' . $target, file_get_contents($root . '/' . $source)); return true; } echo " generate $target\n"; @mkdir(dirname($root . '/' . $target), 0777, true); file_put_contents($root . '/' . $target, file_get_contents($root . '/' . $source)); return true; } function getParams() { $rawParams = []; if (isset($_SERVER['argv'])) { $rawParams = $_SERVER['argv']; array_shift($rawParams); } $params = []; foreach ($rawParams as $param) { if (preg_match('/^--([\w-]*\w)(=(.*))?$/', $param, $matches)) { $name = $matches[1]; $params[$name] = isset($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : true; } else { $params[] = $param; } } return $params; } function setWritable($root, $paths) { foreach ($paths as $writable) { if (is_dir("$root/$writable")) { if (@chmod("$root/$writable", 0777)) { echo " chmod 0777 $writable\n"; } else { printError("Operation chmod not permitted for directory $writable."); } } else { printError("Directory $writable does not exist."); } } } function setExecutable($root, $paths) { foreach ($paths as $executable) { if (file_exists("$root/$executable")) { if (@chmod("$root/$executable", 0755)) { echo " chmod 0755 $executable\n"; } else { printError("Operation chmod not permitted for $executable."); } } else { printError("$executable does not exist."); } } } function setCookieValidationKey($root, $paths) { foreach ($paths as $file) { echo " generate cookie validation key in $file\n"; $file = $root . '/' . $file; $length = 32; $bytes = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($length); $key = strtr(substr(base64_encode($bytes), 0, $length), '+/=', '_-.'); $content = preg_replace('/(("|\')cookieValidationKey("|\')\s*=>\s*)(""|\'\')/', "\\1'$key'", file_get_contents($file)); file_put_contents($file, $content); } } function createSymlink($root, $links) { foreach ($links as $link => $target) { //first removing folders to avoid errors if the folder already exists @rmdir($root . "/" . $link); //next removing existing symlink in order to update the target if (is_link($root . "/" . $link)) { @unlink($root . "/" . $link); } if (@symlink($root . "/" . $target, $root . "/" . $link)) { echo " symlink $root/$target $root/$link\n"; } else { printError("Cannot create symlink $root/$target $root/$link."); } } } /** * Prints error message. * @param string $message message */ function printError($message) { echo "\n " . formatMessage("Error. $message", ['fg-red']) . " \n"; } /** * Returns true if the stream supports colorization. ANSI colors are disabled if not supported by the stream. * * - windows without ansicon * - not tty consoles * * @return boolean true if the stream supports ANSI colors, otherwise false. */ function ansiColorsSupported() { return DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '\\' ? getenv('ANSICON') !== false || getenv('ConEmuANSI') === 'ON' : function_exists('posix_isatty') && @posix_isatty(STDOUT); } /** * Get ANSI code of style. * @param string $name style name * @return integer ANSI code of style. */ function getStyleCode($name) { $styles = [ 'bold' => 1, 'fg-black' => 30, 'fg-red' => 31, 'fg-green' => 32, 'fg-yellow' => 33, 'fg-blue' => 34, 'fg-magenta' => 35, 'fg-cyan' => 36, 'fg-white' => 37, 'bg-black' => 40, 'bg-red' => 41, 'bg-green' => 42, 'bg-yellow' => 43, 'bg-blue' => 44, 'bg-magenta' => 45, 'bg-cyan' => 46, 'bg-white' => 47, ]; return $styles[$name]; } /** * Formats message using styles if STDOUT supports it. * @param string $message message * @param string[] $styles styles * @return string formatted message. */ function formatMessage($message, $styles) { if (empty($styles) || !ansiColorsSupported()) { return $message; } return sprintf("\x1b[%sm", implode(';', array_map('getStyleCode', $styles))) . $message . "\x1b[0m"; }