feature: title: Login language: en line: 1 description: |- To ensure the safety of the application A regular user of the system Must authenticate before using the app scenarios: - type: outline title: Failed Login line: 7 steps: - { keyword_type: 'Given', type: 'Given', text: 'the user "known_user"', line: 8 } - { keyword_type: 'When', type: 'When', text: 'I go to the main page', line: 10 } - { keyword_type: 'Then', type: 'Then', text: 'I should see the login form', line: 11 } - { keyword_type: 'When', type: 'When', text: 'I fill in "login" with ""', line: 13 } - { keyword_type: 'When', type: 'And', text: 'I fill in "password" with ""', line: 14 } - { keyword_type: 'When', type: 'And', text: 'I press "Log In"', line: 15 } - { keyword_type: 'Then', type: 'Then', text: 'the login request should fail', line: 16 } - { keyword_type: 'Then', type: 'And', text: 'I should see the error message "Login or Password incorrect"', line: 17 } examples: 20: [login, password] 21: ['', ''] 22: [unknown_user, ''] 23: [known_user, ''] 24: ['', wrong_password] 25: ['', known_userpass] 26: [unknown_user, wrong_password] 27: [unknown_user, known_userpass] 28: [known_user, wrong_password]